Updated on 9/18/2024 -Luke

#1 VD and Pricing.

VD and price catalogs are finally clean and clear. All pricing are updated correctly.

To compensate the VD hassle on you for 2 months or so, I had eased the requirement on tiers. Some of you are actually bumped up by 1 tier. Current Range for Amount spent is from 1/1/2023 till 9/16/2024.  Next tier adjustment will happen on 2H 2025.

Yet VD for none registered accounts is disabled. If you want VD please do register with us on B2B.

#2 Clearance Product Pricing.

Clearance Product Pricing is up coming. We will need to identify clearance products and move them into clearance collection. Then assign them into clearance discount. For all clearance price it will be aggressive. For more info on clearance pricing please check out this page.


#3 Reward Points

Reward points can still be redeemed by no later than End of OCT 31st 2024.

We will remove the current program and construct something better.

#4 Filter

Filter Project was done on March 2024; however, product tags are never updated correctly. Along with tags our Description were wiped bulk. We are bringing back performing listings with its description and also tags to enable filters.

#5 Pre-order page text

We soon will inform customers which sku is low on stock and inform you a head of time that part of your order on such sku will be pre-ordered with ETA. For example, currently if an item inventory on hand is 10 pcs and you decide to purchase 30. You are NOT notified that you will get 10 from first batch now and 20 from next batch in 3-4 weeks. We will add the text on product page so that you can make the judgement on whether wait for pre-order or not. This is to avoid all confusions.

#6 Kickstart Demos and Launching.

Kickstart coding part is done, we will keep testing it until it functions.



Please use this table if you need any information.


Post Link

Work Plans


Wholesale Tiers, Volume Discount, and free shipping tiers


Clearance Products Guidelines


Reward Points


Return Policy And Warranty


Shipping Policy


Guide For Browser Cache Clear
